Z zapiskow Lewis and Clark,

Oboz “Korpus Odkrycia” zaczyna sie wreszcie rozkrecac podczas dzisiejszego porannego obrzedu hacercerze otrzymali potrzebne wyposazenie do wyprawy w glab ladu w teren nieznany i dotad nie ujarzmiony reka cywilizacji.  Jest to ziemia dzika i surowa nie opisana w kartotekach czy lakonicznych nawet opisach francuskich zeglarzy lowcow przygod wczesniej tu przybylych. Jedynym tekstem pomocniczym znalezionym tu jest kulinarny opis normanskiego zbiega opisujacy tajemnice znakomicie przygotowanej zaby na obiad. Uzbrojeni w strzelby i muszkiety kazdy ze sowitym sapasem prowiatu i whisky na wymiane z jakims napotkanym plemieniem indianskim i z plecakiem wypelnionym tyko tym co potrzebne gotowi byli do wyjscia. Silna byla ich wola walki i poznania niesieni podmuchem swiezego wiatru inspirowani gaweda o bohaterskich przodkach gotowi odkrywac obszary bialych plam na mapie. Zadni wiedzy z piorem w reku i zwarci I jak szprotki w puszce w notesikach im przyznanych oprawionych w skore szopa pracza skrzetnie zapisza i zanotuja, lub narysuja mape upychajac wiedza pusta przestrzen chlonnego wiedzy umyslu. Przed nimi otwiera sie eksytujaca perpspektywa coraz to nowej eureki czychajacej za gorka i kolejnym zakretem niespodzianki lub przerazajacej niewiadomej odzianej w szkarlatnej szacie postaci strachu i trwogi.



Yesterday oboz began, we all unpacked and waited for instructions. Once the bus came we were told to make the tents together. Everyone helped a bit and we slowly made all the tents and filled them up with the beds and matreses, we also helped building and setting up the brama but we haven't finished. After we finished we had hot dogs and mushroom soup which both were very good. Later on the day we also went swimming which was very fun we got to be on the platform. Next we had appel and they told us our zastepy so we can get our tents. As the day went on we had komminek because there is a fire ban, we sang many songs some were better then others and soon it ended and Adam Wodz did a gawenda and we did appel and an obrzed. Finally the day came to an end, we all went to sleep well most of did or tried to. Adrian Nawrot.


A couple days back, we were going to do a bieg for stopien mlodzik with Dunajec, me and my patrol started at first aid, we did good, the topic was how to help someone who is chocking, you would have to perform a couple positions and airway opening tricks, after that, we went onto terenoznawstwo which was near trzy krzyze, and, when I mean I didn't know anything, that was almost true, me and my patrol ( patrol 13 ) got all the features and names of the birds, trees/bushes, and land animals, that stacja was probably the hardest for me because I didn't know any birds or trees in polish, but after that we started getting up trzy krzyze, about ¼ of the way up, was our next stacja, which was a jeopardy game with ranks and other basic harcerska knowledge as the questions, I did well, because at one point they got everyone with a low score to answer more questions, and the guys who were good, got to sit and other things, which was me and a couple other guys, at that point the weather started to turn against us. Adam Przybylski.


Nasz obóz spędził noc na szczycie Tom's Lookout. gdzie wiele ekspedycji przed nimi miało okazję podziwiać cały ląd i wodę, które pięknie leżą pod nimi.


Obóz Korpus Odrycia żeglujący po jeziorze Halfway na naszej nowej flocie żaglówek albacore.


22 lipca nasza wyprawa dobiegnie końca w 2023 roku. Teraz czekamy na następny rok.
